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  • 특허
    In fuel cell and electrolysis systems, hydrogen crossover is a phenomenon where hydrogen molecules (H2) permeate through a membrane, lowering the overall process efficiency and generating a potential safety risk. Many works have been reported to mitigate this undesired phenomenon, but it is yet difficult to accurately measure the rate of hydrogen crossover, particularly when the membrane is fully wetted in water. In this work, we investigated the pressure decay method as a simple, convenient, and low-cost method to characterize hydrogen crossover through wetted membranes for water electrolysis systems. Three different ion exchange membranes were analyzed: Nafion 212, Nafion 115, and in-house sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone). We rigorously confirmed our method and data by comparing it to the ANSI dataset with the current state-of-the-art equations of state (EOS) to account for the nonideality of high pressure hydrogen systems. The error from the gas non-ideality was less than 0.03%. As expected, the rate of hydrogen crossover showed high dependency on the temperature; more importantly, hydrogen crossover increased significantly when the membrane was fully soaked in water. For dry membranes, the proposed pressure decay method corroborated well with the literature data measured using other known methods. Moreover, for wetted membranes, the obtained data showed high similarity compared to the GC method which is currently the most reliable method in the literature. We attempted to predict the hydrogen permeability of wetted membranes using the solution diffusion model. The model based on the given thermodynamic parameters overestimated the hydrogen permeability, which can be used to estimate the ion channel tortuosity. - 연료전지 및 수전해시스템에서는 폭발을 방지하기위해 수소 크로스오버를 최소화해야 함 - 특히, 수전해시스템에서는 이온교한막이 100% 젖은상태로 운전되므로 수소크로스오버를 정량화하기가 매우 까다로움 - 본 연구에서는, 수전해시스템에서는 사용되지 않았던 새로운 기법을 도입하여 수소크로스오버를 정밀하게 측정하는 기술을 개발함 - 기존 Bubble flowmeter method, electrochemical method, GC method 기법 대비 신뢰성 높은 결과를 얻을 수 있음 - 연료전지등과 같은 수소시스템의 안전성 확보를 위해서 필수적으로 사용될 기술로 인정받을 가능서이 높음.
    • 대표 발명자
    • 출원번호
      10-2021-0061340 (2021-05-12)
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